Why Membership?
Church membership allows individuals a way to affirm their partnership and commitment to the local church body. Membership provides a means for accountability between the individual and the church, and encourages faithfulness to their commitment to Christ. Lastly, membership enables one to participate in church governance and to hold leadership roles within the church.
Membership Application
An individual that is a baptized believer of Jesus Christ, who loves His Church, and desires to see it grow, is welcome to apply for Northbridge Church membership. To become a member of Northbridge, complete this application and send it here (rocky@nbchurch.org). Upon receiving the completed application, an elder will contact you to set up a time to meet in person.
Northbridge Church Constitution
Throughout the New Testament, there are many examples of local church bodies governing themselves independently while still being committed and responsible to the larger Christian community. Still today, each local church has the ability to independently govern itself in order to meet the needs to their unique community.. Northbridge's constitution provides a framework for managing the affairs of the church, a structure for leadership, and an accountability system for both members and leadership. Our constitution can be found here.
Membership Covenant
Upon completing the application process, each potential member will be asked to affirm the beliefs of Northbridge as outlined on the 'What We Believe' section of this website. Additionally, the potential member will be asked to acknowledge their commitment to Northbridge by affirming the Membership Covenant.
Church membership is an important and meaningful way for Christians to connect with the local church. To learn more about what becoming a church member means, and to explore how to become a member of Northbridge, please see the documents below.